Trog Feet New Balance 990 cover art

in creative writing journal

Trog Feet: New Balance Edition

It’s rare to find anyone interested in talking about my feet. I keep bringing the subject up when I’m teaching, during dull moments in business meetings, whenever a stranger stares at my shoes for more than a tenth of a second.

Yeeash, it’s not like I’m going to take off my shoes and socks. On my phone I have plenty of pictures. And charts.

All feet are weird, but mine are genuine curiosities — 8 EEEE. They look like they belong on a well-marbled hobbit. A Brockhouse or Tunnelly, perhaps even a Longhole.

Steve at the New Balance store in Troy embraced the challenge of shoeing my grotesque feet. Friendly, patient, knowledgeable — it was the best shopping experience I’ve had in a long time. I spent about an hour in the store and happily walked out with the most expensive pair of running shoes they had.

Did I mention I supinate? Oh, yes, I supinate like a tipsy Sandheaver.

Made In America

New Balance makes many of its shoes right here in America, including the pair I bought today. Plus, my new 990s felt fantastic on my first run. Just saying.

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