Panicky Liberal Dog Sad with Trump Cover Photo.

in 500+, creative writing journal, Politics

Extreme Vexing — Living With Trump Fatigue

About President Trump and his Reign of Blabbery, one of my Facebook friends wrote, “I’m running out of capacity for feeling enraged. Which I’m pretty sure was his plan, all along.”

Amen, brother, and pass the Xanax.

My friend, a fellow copywriter, isn’t going to become exhausted. People don’t survive ten minutes in advertising without a healthy resistance to glib egomaniacs ruling by fiat.

Myself, I’m outraged and far from exhausted.

In the recoil the 2016 election, however, I decided not to add to the noise, even though I want to scream and cuss with the rest of my like-minded friends.

Phony combativeness and real combativeness about bullshit are two reasons why we have our current political climate. Trump played the new reality better and that’s why he won.

I was one of those abettors in making American politics a game. I watched cable news channel spit-fests and talk-show clips instead of the news. was my sports page, featuring the latest scores and betting lines.

I rewarded bad behavior. Bigly.

Noise Versus The New

I haven’t run silent on the issues, of course. When I do bring up politics on Facebook or this chirpy blog, I do so only when I have something fresh or funny to say.

Sometimes it’s about the political. My Donald Trump = Janice Daniels post was my attempt at an original take on how this administration may play out (so far the President is burning bridges at a faster rate than the previous Mayor of Troy, Michigan).

Sometimes it’s about the personal. My chronicles of worrying that I resemble Steve Bannon, alt-right jackass, are about how I feel, which is legit (my feelings, not the resemblance).

I’m not going to win a Pulitzer for commentary. I’m just hoping to be a smidgen useful and entertaining.

Get Comfortable With Exhaustion

Circling back to my friend’s observation, is this breakneck Presidential freak parade what we can expect for the next four years?

The answer is no. It’s going to be much worse.

The first week on a new job, I spend most of my time filling out human resources forms, finding the Keurig machine and determining which bathroom in the building offers the best balance of cleanliness, low traffic and ambient room temperature.

Week two I’m starting to be productive, but it’s gradual. Mostly, I’m trying not to make mistakes. This is usually accomplished by nodding thoughtfully in meetings.

The real work starts on week three. I know enough to build on. I’ve seen how the place operates. I have the confidence that only comes from having a trusted working relationship with a semi-public toilet.

We are on Day 11, folks. To put it in perspective: new staff at the White House haven’t received their first paycheck yet.

Capitalist Crybabies

Don’t think for a moment that the left is the only group that can get whipsawed by President Trump. Us longhairs tend to be skittish (and sexually adroit), but you know who is also oh, so sensitive?

Investors and stockbrokers.

Since the election, the Dow Jones is at record highs thanks in large part to a Trump rally (that’s a link you can trust — it’s from Fox Business). Just imagine the stampede going the other way with a few unbest words.

Corporate types also have a reputation for being cautious. Risk aversion is the C-Suite vernacular for keeping the fat paychecks rolling in. The Oval Office can ice billions of investment dollars with just a single mouth fart.

Donald Trump doesn’t need a friendly, placated, optimistic Wall St. to move forward. The trouble is, America does.

Presidential Credit Where Credit Is Due

Good job, DJT! No swarms of locusts (to date).

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  • Snow Tires and the Slippery Terrain of Memory | Such a Fancy Boy

    […] I try to publish posts in the early afternoon, but yesterday’s post didn’t go live until the evening. If you missed it, check it out: Extreme Vexing — Living With Trump Fatigue. […]